Thursday, 18 August 2011

Italy, That is What's Next

Census 2011: ‘Questions 61: In the next 2 weeks will you be representing Australia at an international event?’

Well as a matter of fact I am. As are forty other Australians competing in the Beach World Championships in Lignano Sabbiardoro (near Venice) Italy this Sunday.

Towards the end of last year there was a request sent to Australian Ultimate Frisbee players for expressions to compete at the Beach World Championships in Italy in the middle of 2011. Since then three squads have been selected and rigours training has insured.  The three teams are now on route to Italy where competition starts on Monday August 22.

I have been selected in the Men’s team, nicknamed the Saltwater Crocodiles and I will be attempting to take you readers on for the journey.

Representing Australia sounds very cool and well, it is. Although I have not put the uniform yet this ideal was what first encouraged me to sign up for the team. This dream of wearing the green and gold has never been far from my mind it has driven me to get fitter and stronger, forced me to go the gym on weekends and it’s been there when I’m having boring meals all in the name of getting stronger, faster and generally better.

Early in the campaign I was training for the Australian Ultimate Championship, held in Brisbane in April 2011, was much easier than after these championships. The motivation to train three times a week with 30 odd other blokes were motivation in its self. However, as the traditional Australian season finished the personal work began and it was hard. As a lot of other players were relaxing and taking some time off those in the Australian Teams had to find the motivation and time to continue training.

Then open squad has been attempting to train 3 nights a week. Because we are from around Australia and all have other commitments this often meant finding the time and the personal motivation for individual training. It is very hard to convince yourself to do and extra leg set or sprint session but one had to find that drive to punch it out.

This commitment to training has paid off, so far. At the last training camp the open team really came together and showed how well we can play as a unit. It is great to get reward for all those hours at the gym or running up that last sand dune.  This feeling has cost me; I have been in trouble with my misses on more than one occasion for having to go to training, I have had to forgo the couple of beers after a long day to the office, the physio trips not to mention the mounting monetary cost of the campaign.

I guess what I am getting at is that although I along with 39 others  that are representing Australia at a sport that many describe as a game and that ‘it’s not really’ playing for Australia. I have to say that in a couple of days I will be suiting up in the green and gold, embroider with the Coat of Arms for which I have made a lot of sacrifices for and I will wear it with pride.  So come back to this blog to find out more about how our Championships are progressing.

To learn more about Ultimate Frisbee in Australia visit here: and go here to know more about The World Beach Championships .

I will end with a question; if you could represent Australia at an unknown sport or activity what would it be and how would you train?

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

What’s Next after the Soy latte?

Champagne Socialists of the world used to start their days with a latte before it became too common and then it was the Soy Latte. It was the drink of choice along the inner city elite whilst reading The Age. However with the ever impending collapse of Fairfax, with it The Age, times are changing and I am here to announce so is the drink of choice for the latte left.
The long black is the new... black.
Body image is and always has been a status symbol for both sexes. It is now very important to not only be health but fit but skinny. A century ago it was a status symbol to be big, it showed one had access to food and thus wealth and power.
As science improved nutrition and fitness dictated health and health became a status symbol on its own. One now takes a great deal of consideration of what is in the food that one eats and drinks. This has evolved to beyond diets and healthily eating and exercise. It is now very important to eat minimal processed food and at all possible eat organic at any cost. Organic food is expensive and with limited outlets in often selective areas gives it a status above just healthy eating.
The market has change accordingly; it now cost more to eat healthy and more importantly organic and. A light salad and wrap with a vitamin water cost more than a Big Mac meal and it doesn’t fill you up as much.
So the Adam Bandt’s of the world can’t drink that milky starchy latte’s anymore because they would feel bloated for a week not to mention you don’t know where that ‘milk’ is from or who made it. Not to mention the MSG that could be hiding in it and it is just hard to tell if the cow really is handfed whilst someone rubs her stomach. So, one must strip the coffee back to bear basics. A status symbols that one only eats and drinks pure organics and well...  A long black it is, fair trade naturally.
So next time you see someone on their iPad at a coffee shop you can be sure that it is a long black.
Can you think of any other creature comfort changes for the Champagne Socialists or What’s Next for them?

Monday, 15 August 2011

Is this really What's Next - if so why?

I have the hipster glasses and clothes from a vintage store in Brooklyn, New York so having a blog is what’s next. But why should one bother writing a blog that is only going to be read by a handful of people, half of which are only reading out of politeness. Well for no other reason than I am getting a little sick of the media that is targeted at me. This is my motivation behind my blog; I hope to write for my generation and/or those who also feel currently reporting and commentary is talk to them.
I am Gen-Y, I use the internet for a fair degree of information from news to opinions. However, I am sceptical of what I read on the internet. I believe that there should be a clear separation between reporting and commenting in the media. I believe in science. I like sport and art. I like politics and I play Ultimate Frisbee, I’m quite the catch.
For all these reasons I am writing this blog. It is an opinion blog based on facts and life experiences, so far. It will not be ground breaking or even news worthy but rather a social commentary and bullshit detector and hopefully at the end of the day entertaining. So What’s next?